Oh my goodness I cannot say enough nice things about this sweet family! They are all loving, and gracious and were a Joy to work with. I bet you can't tell that within the first five minutes of their family portrait session sweet Levi, their one-year-old fell right on his face busting his upper lip. I told them that if we need to reschedule that it wouldn't be an issue, but we could also give Levi time and see if he would be up to continuing as well. While mom was nursing poor little Levi's lip I photographed his brother and sister. We all thought, including me, that we were most likely going to have to reschedule but we were patient he started feeling better so we pressed on. The rest of their family portrait session went beautifully and we even got some huge smiles and giggles out of everyone! Even though the beginning of the session definitely didn't go as planned it ended on a happy note.