How did this happen! How do I have a daughter who is going to graduate this spring! It is so weird to look at my baby girl and see a grown woman standing in front of me.. towering over my actually she is a good 4 inches taller than I am. Her graduation date is less than 8 months from now, EIGHT MONTHS! Why am I having such a hard time with this! They warned me. All the wiser moms told me when I had her that this day will come, and not only will this day come but it will feel like time has flown by! I am NOT ready! I need another 18 years! Come June I will be a complete mess, so this is your warning. Jylian, my oldest daughter, and I decided that we would do many little senior portrait sessions all year long, with all different locations, themes, outfits because well you can when your mother is a photographer. Yesterday Jylian asked if I could photograph her, my response was of course, " heck ya!". I have been driving by this field all week and I have been dying to photograph someone at that location. Jylian looked at me like I was completely crazy when we arrived to this field. But she trust's me and followed my direction, it wasn't until I showed her the back of my camera that she understood my madness =) I sure do love this kid, and I'm going to miss her when she goes off to college next year!