This morning while chatting with my favorite sister on the phone, I could hear my sweet little niecelette talking. I asked my sister what Brie was talking about and my sister replied.. " She is sitting on my lap looking at her baby album, she loves going through them and looking at pictures of herself as a baby. You guys, this is the exact reason why I promote albums and wall displays in my Studio! Now could you imagine if my sister never printed her baby photos and Brie asked to see images of herself and she had to sit at a computer and stare at a glowing box.. its just not the same! Now can you imagine what happen to me 9 years ago. This is before the thought of me becoming a portrait photographer even crossed my mind. Back then I wasn't educated on the importance of printing your images, and backing up your computer. Nine years ago my computer completely died and I lost every single baby picture of my kids... every single one, talk about being devastated! Yet another very important reason why I promote ordering professionally crafted on archival materials Wall art or Albums. The products I offer will last not only your life time, but your grandchildren's lifetime as well. Technology changes so much, and I cannot guarantee that with "digitals". I want the best for my clients, and thats what I offer them with my product line at my studio. Fall is my most popular time of year for family portrait session. Everybody loves Fall, including me! Since Fall is so hopping with Family portrait sessions I wanted to serve my family portrait clients with a "what to wear guide" This is a great tool! To download it just click the box below!