Did you know that October for photographers is like what April is for accountants... yeah it can be that insane. On top of that add-on your kid's sports, or just any other after-school activity. Sometimes it can be difficult to keep your head above water but its also a great time for portrait studios. So why would I take a small vacation every year right smack dab in the middle of "busy" season? My answer is because my family NEEDS it, all six of us. We need a break from the get up before the sun and go, go go. We need a break from schedules, we need a couple of days to breath, and to be with each other.
This year we planned a camping trip, we usually do, but this year we had to cancel due to inclement weather. Instead of camping out in nature.. we camped on the couch and it was glorious. We had random nerf gun wars, went on walks, watched tons of movies, enjoyed meals together, played board games, had friends over. It was the best 5 days and we just stayed home and loved on one other.
So today my husband and I are back to work, and my kids are back to school after five glorious days together and our cups are full. I'm a better mom, wife, and photographer because of it.